Jourdain is a comprehensive circular water reclamation program consisting of several successive stages

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Water is precious

In Vendée, this adage is very meaningful, since 90% of drinking water comes from surface water, compared to an average of 30% in France.

This resource is now under severe pressure due to periods of drought, which are worsening with the effects of climate change, and the growing demand in the department. The water deficit is estimated at 8 million m3 (1.759 billion gallons) by 2025-2030, equivalent to the annual consumption of 150,000 people in Vendée.

In order to partially cover this deficit, Vendée Eau is developing the Jourdain program, a demonstrator project to experiment with the indirect reuse of treated wastewater (IPR), with a view to a permanent solution.

The Jourdain program

Schéma Jourdain EN


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